Credit Card Strategy
Ah, the good old credit, and especially in America, there are tremendous advantages and almost an infinite amount of strategies to leverage and maximize travel rewards. We have had the pleasure and misfortune to have tried many of these strategies and hopefully can pass on some hard leaned lessons.
While you can read many myriad and often excellent blog posts on how to acquire millions of travel reward points and the often headache inducing ways to redeem them, the realities for most individuals and families looks different. This difference is mostly due to time, patience, and willingness. Below we've split travel strategies into 3 sections, Automatic, Advanced, and Expert - again with the emphasis on time and the effort involved. There is much to be said too on what your goals are and what you want to achieve. We have had friends who have saved and booked spectacular one-off trips like honeymoons or family reunions on points, while others can achieve top-tier airline status via cards without even setting foot on a plane. All have tradeoffs and value which will be covered below and in further posts - if you see something you'd like covered please comment or reach out!